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Vassar College PPRD



User Login


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  Please enter your Vassar username and password. When finished, select Login.


*** Vassar College Policy on Confidentiality of Personal Information ***

I understand and acknowledge that:

As an employee of Vassar College, I may have access to confidential or sensitive information about students, staff, faculty, alumnae, donors, volunteers and customers. Confidential information is protected by college policy and by law, including, but not limited to, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended (FERPA), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLB) Act. Special care should be taken with respect to confidential and/or personally identifiable information such as addresses, phone numbers, identification numbers, birth dates, marital and ethnic status, health information, academic and personnel records, and financial data. Modification of this personal information without authorization is prohibited. Requests for personally identifiable information from off campus sources should be, in all cases, referred to the responsible office.

I will safeguard and will not disclose my access code/password. Any access to Vassar College electronic systems made using my login and password are my responsibility. If I believe someone else has used my login, I will immediately report the use to Computing and Information Services and request a new password.

I may not use and/or disclose any confidential information even after my employment with the College has ended. Unless prohibited under a separate written agreement, I understand that legal proceedings may require that I disclose or discuss confidential information acquired during my employment.

Any misuse or unauthorized release of confidential information as described in this statement may be grounds for legal and/or disciplinary action, up to and including discharge from my employment with the College.

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Release: 8.8.3